- AVAILABLE The item is currently available and should be on the shelf at the library. If you are on your way to the library to pick this item up, it is recommended that you call ahead and ask a library staff member to put the item aside for you.
- SHELVING CART An item will show a status of Shelving Cart if it was recently returned to the owning library. The time it takes for the item to get back on the shelf will vary by library, so it’s best to check with a staff person.
- DISPLAY A library has this item on a display. Check with the owning library for availability.
- ON ORDER A library has recently purchased an item but has not yet received it. Many libraries will pre-order popular titles to give patrons a chance to place a request in the catalog.
- IN CATALOGING Items with a status of IN CATALOGING were recently acquired by the library and work is being done on the item to prepare it for circulation. Requests can usually be placed on these items.
- ON SEARCH or MISSING The item is missing from the library shelves. Try broadening your search to find available copies at other libraries.
- IN TRANSIT The item is either on its way to another library to fill a hold for a patron at another library or on its way back to the owning library.
- ON HOLDSHELF The item has been received and is being held at the library designated by the patron as a pickup location.
- HELD AT … An item is held at CIRC (Circulation Desk), REFERENCE or CHILDRENS, usually temporarily. Items with a status of HELD AT REFERENCE are not available for request.
- LIB USE ONLY These are usually reference materials that can be used by visiting the owning library.
- LIBRARIAN USE The library has marked this item for staff use or reference use only. Please check with library staff for availability or to help for help finding an available copy at another library.
- REPAIR An item needs to be repaired, so it is not available to be checked out.
- CLAIMS RETD The item was claimed to be returned by a patron.
- BILLED The item is long overdue and the patron who borrowed it has been billed for it.
- LOST & PAID The item has been lost by a patron who has paid for it.
- PROBLEM SHELF The item has been returned, but there is a problem with it. It may be missing a disc, a case, or a paper insert, or the item may be damaged in some way.
- DELETED The item is not available for borrowing because it has been marked for withdrawal from the catalog.
- STORAGE The item has been placed in storage and is not available for request.
What do the various statuses mean in the catalog?
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